Would you like help getting started in a prayer practice? Or are you feeling stalled by your current routine? We will work together to create a program suited to your schedule, life commitments, and personal beliefs. I work with people of all ages and religious/spiritual affiliations. All sessions begin/end with a prayer.
Whatever you are struggling with can be resolved. Whatever is making you anxious or unhappy can lose its hold. Whatever you are trying to attract into your life may appear. Are you wondering how this could be possible? The truth is that you can do this without my help. In fact, that is my long-term goal for you. I will teach you to rely only on your own sacred connection with God.
"...all things are possible with God."
Matthew 19:26
Are you yearning to figure out your purpose in life or if your life has meaning? Do you hunger for more but aren't sure where to look or how to get started? In my experience, the first step is often getting quiet and listening to your own divine guidance. I can help you get on your intended path.
I am sorry for your loss. I can sit with you in your pain. I want to hear your story—all of it. I won't try to solve it, but together we will wear it, talk about it, and learn to accept it.
I also offer bereavement support groups.
I work with families as they anticipate the death of a loved one (called anticipatory grief) support. This can be especially important for vulnerable family members, such as children or the mentally disabled.
"Shadowloss is the loss of something important and does not always involve a death. It impacts a person’s social connections, status in the community, overall well-being, and family relationships."
- Cole Imperi (The American Thanatologist)
Unfortunately, miscarriages are often kept private or secret. I want to help you talk about your experience. Together, we can find ways to honor and remember your baby.
The pain of not conceiving is real and puts a strain on most marriages. I can hold the space for you to grieve the loss of what is not happening in your life right now. You can lean on me.
Divorce is a huge loss. It involves the physical loss of your spouse and the loss of expectations and what could have been. It can be accompanied by shame and isolation. I can be there for you. I want to hear your story.
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